Baby Oh Baby! Program

Upcoming Events

Volunteer Auxiliary Fundraisers

The Auxiliary holds fundraisers to pay for unbudgeted equipment purchases for th...

GoldCare 55+ Presents: Lunch 'N Learn

The Guntersville Recreation Center 1500 Sunset Drive, Guntersville, AL (Doors o...

Donate Blood – Your opportunity to save lives!

April Blood Drive Dates April 28 – Marshall Cancer Care Center11:00 AM - 2:00 PM...

Phone orders/delivery available through Hospital Gift Shops

Gift shops in Marshall North and South are open and ready to help you with gifts...

Volunteer applications now online

Interested in being a Marshall Medical Centers volunteer? It's easier than ever!...

Breastfeeding and Childbirth classes

Classes are scheduled on request  by Lactation Consultant Courtnie Chaffin,...

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The Latest From Our Blog

Marshall South's March Baby of the Month: Welcome Halle Wordlaw!

Marshall South's March Baby of the Month: Welcome Halle Wordlaw!

At Marshall Medical Centers South, we love celebrating the precious new lives that enter the world, and this month, we are thrilled to introduce our Baby of the Month for March, Halle Wordlaw! Born on March 4th at 7:55 AM, this sweet little girl weighed 7 pounds, 4 ounces and was welcomed with love by her parents, Jordan and Brock Wordlaw.

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Marshall North's February Baby of the Month: Welcome Judah Smith!

Marshall North's February Baby of the Month: Welcome Judah Smith!

Marshall Medical North is delighted to introduce our February Baby of the Month, Judah Smith! Proud parents, Sarah Beth and Benjamin Smith, welcomed their third baby boy into the world on February 6th at 9:46 a.m. Judah weighed 7 pounds, 15 ounces, and measured 20.5 inches long—completing their trio of boys!

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Marshall South's February Baby of the Month: Welcome Luka Bradley!

Marshall South's February Baby of the Month: Welcome Luka Bradley!

Marshall Medical South is thrilled to introduce our February Baby of the Month, Luka Bradley! Proud parents, Kerigan and Alexander Bradley, welcomed their baby boy into the world on February 3rd at 1:24 p.m. Luka weighed in at 9 pounds, 11 ounces, and measured 20 3/4 inches long—a bundle of joy to complete their growing family.

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