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Sun, Oct 20, 2024 at 03:49 PM

The Breast Cancer Story of Kalie Childress

Kalie Childress, a loving wife, mother, and Guidance Counselor at Asbury Elementary, never imagined her life would take such a turn. Married to her high school sweetheart, Justin, Kalie enjoys going to church and cherishing time with her family and friends. Her life seemed ordinary until March of 2023, when at 33 years old, she discovered a lump in her breast.

"I didn’t think anything about it," Kalie recalls. "I let it go for a couple of months, thinking it was just something else. I mean, I’m in my 30s. I didn’t think it was cancer."

But after a biopsy, Kalie received the devastating call just days before Mother’s Day—her diagnosis was triple-negative invasive ductal carcinoma breast cancer.

"I’ll never forget that call," she says.

This aggressive form of cancer was made even more challenging by her Lupus diagnosis, which complicated treatment.

The thought of cancer never even crossed Kalie’s mind.

“I would like to thank Cynthia (Pie) Evans, CRNP, for examining me and sending me for mammogram and ultrasound just to be safe,” Kalie said.

Determined to fight, Kalie decided on a lumpectomy followed by chemotherapy. However, her first round of treatment resulted in severe side effects.

"My body totally rejected it—high fever, body aches, muscle pain. I got to where I could not get out of bed or walk by myself.”

Through it all, Kalie has relied on her faith.

"Jesus has been my number one comforter. I prayed for a testimony to share, and here I am sharing it. I’ve had highs and I’ve had lows, but no matter the situation, I know He is with me. There is a purpose for what I’ve gone through, even if I don’t know what that plan is yet. I do know that I want to be a help and a light to others who may be going through this journey or any other kind of journey where they just need a little hope.”

Kalie's support system has been a pillar of strength during her fight. Her husband, parents, and best friends have all rallied around her, and though her 3 ½-year-old son, Easton, may not fully understand the situation, his presence has been a source of joy and motivation.

"It’s hard to explain to him why I couldn’t play with him or be as active as before, and that was one of the hardest parts of this journey," she says.

The Marshall Cancer Care Center has also played an instrumental role in Kalie’s recovery. Upon her diagnosis, she was referred to Dr. Gideon Ewing, who, in a special twist of fate, turned out to be the husband of her son’s pediatrician.

"I knew I wanted that family to take care of me and my family," Kalie explains. "The staff, nurses, and doctors at the center are all heroes. I’ve met some incredible people who have become lifelong friends. It's been amazing how The Lord placed me in certain places during my journey to have childhood and high school friends as my nurses along the way. Seeing familiar faces during visits has been nothing short of a blessing.”

Reflecting on her journey, Kalie urges others to trust their instincts and seek medical advice if something doesn’t feel right, no matter their age.

"Don’t wait—don’t assume it’s nothing because that’s what I did," she advises.

And for those navigating their own cancer journey, she encourages them to cling to faith.

"Having a relationship with Jesus is the most important thing, with or without cancer. He provides the peace and comfort that so many seek. He knows every storm we will ever face. Only Jesus can teach us how to sleep during the storms of life. There's nothing more peaceful than laying your head down at night knowing you are right with The Lord. You just have to trust in His plan and follow Him all the way."

Kalie’s community has also surrounded her with love and support. Local churches, friends, her school, school system, supervisors, and even former students rallied to raise funds for her treatment, and their efforts have been overwhelming.

"I never expected so much outpouring of love," she says. "A simple thank you is not enough for the gratitude I have for everyone who helped. They will never know how much their love, thoughts, and prayers have meant to me and my family."

As Kalie approaches the end of her treatment, she has three months left on her chemo pill and continues to place her trust in God’s plan. Despite the challenges she has faced, her faith, family, and community have helped her endure. Her story is a powerful reminder of resilience, hope, and the strength found in love and faith.