Adult Outpatient Speech Therapy

Speech therapy is a vital service for adults that helps improve communication and swallowing impairments.

Adult Outpatient Speech Therapy

Providing speech, language and/or swallowing therapy for people who are at risk or show signs of impairment.

Speech-language pathologists evaluate and treat individuals with a variety of difficulties ranging from language disorders to swallowing difficulties as well as social and cognitive-communication deficits. Most often these conditions occur secondary to more serious underlying causes such as cerebrovascular accident (CVA), traumatic brain injury, and neurodegenerative diseases.

Speech-language and swallowing therapy can provide education to caregivers, rehabilitate skills, and teach helpful compensatory strategies.

Through personalized programs, we can help improve adult swallowing and speech/language skills for disorders such as:

  • Parkinson's Disease - causing dysphagia, dementia, and dysphonia
  • CVA/TIA Resulting in dysphagia, dementia, dysarthria, aphasia
  • Autoimmune Disorders (MS, Lupus, Myasthenia Gravis, RA) leading to dysphagia and dysphonia
  • Traumatic Brain Injury affecting executive functioning and social skills
  • ALS causing dysphagia, aphonia