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January 7, 2017

One of the many benefits of Goldcare55+ program is travelling with other seniors

As many seniors in Marshall County can confirm, membership in Marshall Medicals’ Goldcare55+ program has its benefits. One of the most popular features is travelling with a group of local people around the same age without the responsibility of driving or planning.

A unique trip for members is coming up in the spring of 2017 and will take folks back in time to tour a life-sized model of Noah’s Ark. The two-day trip April 20-22 will travel through Tennessee and Kentucky.

“So many people love to travel but do not have anyone to travel with,” says Shirley Holland, coordinator of the program.  “This is what we love about offering travel as a part of our GoldCare55+ program.  Members can travel safely with no worries because we take care of every detail. By the time they return, new friends and memories are made.”

Few wooden ships have ever come close to the size of Noah’s Ark, according to the website for the Ark Encounter in Kentucky. It was almost one and a half football fields long and seven stories tall. The full-sized replica built according to the dimensions given in the Bible is the largest timber-frame structure in the world.

Visitors explore the massive Ark’s three decks of exhibits designed to make the pages of the Bible come alive and depict what life aboard may have been like.
The Bible describes Noah’s Ark as a safe haven during the flood for all kinds of air-breathing land animals and flying creatures God created. The Ark Encounter attempts to answer questions such as how many animals did Noah have to fit on board the Ark and how did he take care of them?

In addition to the Ark, the trip includes travel to the nearby Creation Museum, a 75,000-square-foot facility full of biblical history including the Garden of Eden, the Tower of Babel and a theater production of The Last Adam.

Marshall GoldCare55+ encourages area church groups to sign up for this unique travel opportunity. Detailed information will be mailed upon request by church group leaders. 

“We think seniors are special and have enjoyed putting together this exceptional trip at such an affordable price for them to enjoy,” Holland says.  “No driving, no planning.  Just read, chat and relax as we journey together making memories along the way.”

A motor coach will depart from both Marshall Medical Center hospitals. First stop is lunch at Calhoun’s on the River in Knoxville, across from Nayland Stadium. Dinner and first night’s stay will be at the Hampton Inn Hotel in London, Ky. The second day travelers will spend touring the Creation Museum. Dinner and overnight stay will be at the Hampton Inn Hotel in Hebron, Ky. The next morning has the group headed for its last stops: the Ark Encounter and on to Nashville’s largest flea market.

Registration is open now. A $100 deposit is due at registration and the balance is due by March 1. Price for double occupancy is $429 per person, triple is $419 per person, quadruple is $409 per person and single is $549. To sign up call (256)571-8025 or email

What’s included:  Transportation by modern motor coach, two nights lodging, two dinners, one lunch and two continental breakfasts plus Flea Market and admission to the Ark Encounter and Creation Museum. 

Also, Goldcare55+ has a Mystery Trip coming up March 23. Even though it’s a secret, you can be sure it will be an adventure you will not want to miss. And you can be certain to be home early that evening. Cost is $135 and full payment is due at registration.