Mon, Nov 20, 2017 at 02:35 PM
This simple 15-minute procedure can offer dramatic life-saving benefits.
People with lung cancer can be treated – even cured – if the disease is caught early enough.
“I would say we’ve had 12 to 15 lung cancer cases we’ve caught and were able to help the patients completely recover,” said Pulmonologist Dr. Christopher Manganaris told seniors at a GoldCare55+ lunch n’ learn.
A lung cancer screening with a low dose CT scan takes only about 15 minutes, uses less radiation than traditional CT and requires no contrast. Medicare covers one scan per year for Medicare beneficiaries who meet all of the following criteria:
• Age 55-77 and are either current smokers or have quit smoking within the last 15 years
• Have a tobacco smoking history of at least 30 “pack years” (an average of one pack a day for 30 years)
• Receive a written order from a physician
Marshall Medical North and South have offered lung screening since 2015.
Dr. Manganaris also informed seniors about Pulmonary and Cardiac Rehab, which is now covered by insurance for those with COPD or heart disease. The 12-week programs meet three days a week for an hour and a half. Wearing a heart monitor, patients exercise to build up strength.
“The goal is to do 20 minutes straight of exercise,” he said. Dr. Manganaris’ own mother, who suffers from severe COPD, went through Pulmonary Rehab. At first, she could hold out for just 70 seconds. Over the 12 weeks, she worked up to 20 minutes.
A primary doctor can refer patients for rehab.
Dr. Manganaris and Dr. Jenna Carpenter can be reached at Pulmonary & Sleep Associates of Marshall in Boaz at (256)840-4653 and in Guntersville at (256)571-8807.
If you are 55 or older and would like to take advantage of all the benefits Marshall Medical Centers’ GoldCare 55+ program has to offer, visit where you can download a membership application. If you have any questions, please call (256) 571-8025 (for Arab area residents: (256) 753-8025) or email